
Monday, May 14, 2012

Stuff to Share

Some great stuff I've been reading:

Soo, so touched by this blog post!  I want to be able to do this:  Jesus Had Blue Eyes (or, "Plus One")

I read the Hunger Games Trilogy at the prompting of some of my grandchildren. I really liked them and thought they contained a lot of topics that would be good for conversations with the kids...which we haven't got around to yet. This blog post from Homespun Inspirations spells it out much better than I could: My Thoughts on "The Hunger Games"

Susan Branch and her hubby took the Queen Mary 2 to England and I am virtually traveling along with them. I'm sure they would be happy to have you along as well.  Susan Branch Blog

LOVED this on American Idol last week!!!!! 

The sweetest pottery, ever! Julie Whitmore Pottery

many blessings, Zuda Gay


  1. Great breakfast fare! I read and enjoyed each one. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks for these links! I will be clicking and checking them out!

  3. I'm on the third book now. I kept wondering what all the hype was about these books. They are exciting. I just wish Katniss would cry out to God for help.

  4. The combination of singing, guitar, and violin is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. wonderful post!!! The first one brought tears to my eyes . . .wow!
    Thank you for sharing! :)
