Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's Hot, Hot, Hot!

It is suppose to be in the upper 90's where I live for the rest of the week. I really don't like summer, and I really, really don't like hot! I chose some HOT items from the CAST Team to help me enjoy the heat a least a little bit. :)

I hope your eyes were delighted!

blessings, Zuda Gay

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Treasuries In My Favorite Colors

I've been in a few treasuries here lately and a couple of them have caught my eye because they have featured two of my favorite colors. My absolute favorite color, and has been since I was a very small child is red. I love red and most reds except for orangey reds. I also love grays, and if I could mix these two treasuries together, it would be perfect. (by the was my Daddy's favorite color, too)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Delightful Marriage of Blue and Green

I love the look of blues and greens together, I think it is because it reminds me of the green trees and the blue, blue sky as we head into the end of summer that is just breathtaking as I walk outside. Here are some lovelies that I found in the shops of some of my team mates.

Felted Knit Baby Mittens by Baruchs Lullaby
The Baruchs Lullaby family is working to add to their family
through the adoption of two precious little ones from Bulgaria.
If you would like to be a part of bringing these children home to their
family, please visit Baruch's Lullaby blog to find out how.

I hope you enjoyed these selections and be sure to browse these shops for more of their delightful offerings.

blessings, ZudaGay

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunflowers continued...

I lost track of time somehow and missed last week, strange how that this post is much later than I was planning on. I picked out some of my newest sunflower type flowers and some of my favorite old ones that are long gone but thanks to Flickr and my sold files on Etsy, not forgotten.

Yellow and Brown Sunflower Brooch on a scalloped base with a dotty center.

I love this one...although it definitely isn't sunflower colors.
Raspberry and Mint Pendant with a dotty center.

This typical Sunflower colors of brown, cream and yellow
I love using vintage button centers when I can find one that has the right feel.

I love the look of this butterscotch orange with the
sienna dotty center.

This was an early sunflower that I just love because of the button

Blessings, ZudaGay

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Time for Sunflowers

Sunflowers are such a beautiful flower. They seem to evoke happiness. I am sure that they make birds happy by sharing their seeds with them. We always buy extra sunflower seeds to mix in with the bird seed mix we buy for our feeders because the Cardinals enjoy them so much. I am continuing this month to promote the Christian Artist Street Team and the Boomers and Beyond Etsy Street Team so these beautiful sunflower items are from member's shops of these teams.

I love making sunflowers with clay. I will share some of mine in the next couple of days.

blessings, ZudaGay


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