
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gratitude = Grateful Attitude

The older I get the more I recognize the importance of attitude. And that my attitude is something that I can control. At this time of the year we concentrate on being grateful and seeing the farmers harvesting their crops we have an example of God's provision. I've been trying to have a grateful attitude everyday in all seasons, not just this one where we are reminded to be thankful.  No matter my circumstances I can strive to have a thankful attitude. Also, I've been trying to be specific in my gratitude thoughts. It is so easy to say "Thank You, God, for everything" and I am thankful for everything, but I think I need to look at the small pictures in the practice of being thankful. I am thankful for my husband Danny who loves me, I am thankful for our daughters who are so precious to us. I am thankful for our sons-in-law who love our girls and work so hard to provide for them and their children. I am thankful for the grace shown to me most especially from God but also from people who extend their grace to me. I am thankful for tea, for peanut butter, for heating pads, for computers and for kitties. I am thankful that I live where the seasons change and the weather is rarely boring...(well except in the summer when it is too hot for too long, I have to work on that one)

Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgving!
Zuda Gay

Friday, November 11, 2011

ABCs of Me

 I got this meme from my friend Judy which she did on her blog This Creative Journey. Thanks Judy! These things are always fun.

A – Alumna of Quincy Senior High School
B – Bible reader
C – Creative
D – Doodler
E – Etsy-er
F – Fantasy fan
G – Guitar plunker
H – Helpmeet of Danny
I – Illinois resident
J – Jewelry component creator
K – Knitting admirer
L – life-long learner (this was too good not to steal)
M – Mom to Kristin and Jessica
N – needleworker
O – Organizationally challenged
P – Polymer Clay artist
Q – Quiet
R – Red lover
S – Secretary
T – Teetotaler (jasmine green)
U – Unbiased Gramma (Ha!)
V – Versatile
W – Wisdom seeker
Y – Yahweh's kid
Z – Zuda

I would like to see yours if you decide to do this ABC meme. Just put a link to your blog in my comment section.

blessings, Zuda Gay

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

String and Sticks or a Hook and Line

Have you looked at yarn recently? Oh my goodness, there are some beautiful yarns to be had. I want to touch them and buy them, but I know that I could never do them justice. I can knit and I can crochet, but I hate following patterns and I'm really not good enough at either to make up a garment out of my head. When I have a desire to knit or crochet I usually make washcloths which is enough to quench my creating with fiber thirst when it hits.  My sister is an amazing needle worker and has passed that talent to her daughter. In this post I am sharing  work by some of my Etsy friends and an adorable hat made by my niece, Lissa.


I hope you enjoyed these lovely and adorable yarn goodies!

blessings, Zuda Gay


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty...

I love cats! Although I love most any animal that has fur...with a couple of exceptions..I have to admit that I am a cat person. One way I can tell that my husband loves me a lot is that he puts up with my kitties. He is not a cat person. I found some cute kitty items from a couple of my Etsy teams.

I can't have a post about kitties and not share my kitties.  First is our Rusty who is the sweetest and softest kitty. My foot warmer and my snuggle baby. 
These two kittens are half of a litter that was born in our garage last spring. We tamed two of the kittens and gave them away and these two were left. We have been working on them. The gray one Smokey, is pretty tame now.  The lovely little lady is Butterscotch and she will come inside and occasionally let us pet her so we are making some head way with her.

Blessings, Zuda Gay