
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pottery = Joy

I have this fantasy.....I would love to have my cabinets full of hand thrown/built pottery of all kinds from a lot of different talented potters from everywhere. I really LOVE pottery!!

I "met" Ceci, the wonderful artist-potter whose shop Artsielady Five Cats Studio I am featuring this week, on our Boomers and Beyond Etsy Street Team. (which means we are past a certain age) Ceci does some very cool things with clay and has a special affinity for Raku and here lately using real fish as molds.

Raku Fish

Raku Vase

Ceci begins her bio saying... "My birthplace and upbringing stems from the island of Oahu in Hawaii and my heritage is a mixture of Filipino, Portuguese and Chinese. The islands provide a rich blend of cultures and ethnic background from which I take my philosophical artistic approach." You can see these wonderful influences in each beautiful piece of pottery.

Earthtone Speckled Yunomi

When I browse through the ArtsieladyEtsy Shop the colors and swirls and textures of an array of beautiful glazes delight my eye's quest for color.

Red Swirl Serving Bowl

Salamander Leaf Bowl

If you enjoy beautiful pottery too, you will love taking a look through Ceci's beautiful shop!!

blessings, Zuda Gay

And The Winner Is.....are ☺

From the Random Number Generator the first number that came up is 21! The 21st commenter is Nancy from Nancy's Bags Etc... Congratulations to Nancy!! I have also decided...since it is my 3rd anniversary I decided to ask the handy dandy Random Number Generator for two more numbers. These two winners will get to select anything they want from my shop. :) These winners are: number 3 which is my lovely friend Emma Stormy and number 33, Julie who owns the shops: Stitches By Julie and Nature In Pastels. Congratulations to all my winners!!

blessings, Zuda Gay

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3rd Etsyversary Giveaway

This day crept up on me! I joined Etsy and opened my shop three years ago today - May 25, 2007. This was my first real experience selling my work online. The company Danny worked for was down sizing and I decided that I really should try to bring in some sort of income if I could. I had all kinds of things sitting around that I had made so I had a start on getting my shop stocked. I had been focusing most of my clay work on making light-able Christmas ornaments as well as some night lights. I also covered tins and pens and did a little bit of jewelry on occasion and made beads with scrap clay. I had been making flowers for the top of the tins that I covered and I loved how they turned out. (The banner for this blog and my Etsy shop is a cropped bit of the top of a tin) All of a sudden I got the idea of putting my flowers on a bead base. It worked!!! These flower beads have helped provide a part of our income for the last three years. :) I am very thankful for Etsy and all the wonderful customers I have had these three years.

I am giving away this brooch/pendant in celebration of my Etsyversary. If you would like a chance to receive this brooch all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. PLEASE make sure you leave a way for me to get a hold of you if you win!!! It makes me sad when a number comes up and I have no way of contacting the person it corresponds with.This brooch is built on a flat scalloped clay cookie and has a vintage round silver button center. It measures just over 2" across and the pin back with a pendant bail is firmly embedded.

I am also offering free shipping now through Friday....please convo me first.

Thank you all so much!!!
Zuda Gay

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tapestry 316

When I was a child I LOVED animals. I would bring home all kinds of strays (and some that weren't stray) to try to talk Mama into letting me keep them. "Please Mama, let me keep him?" Usually the answer was a no, but it never stopped me from trying again the next time I came across an animal I just knew needed a new home and someone to love him. I still love animals of all kinds...well not so much the slithery type, but most any with fur or feathers. I met Kathleen Golter Roeth on Christian Artist Street Team on Etsy and got to know her a bit better when we friended one another on Facebook. Kathy is a lovely artist who works in a variety of mediums which she uses to draw and paint the most delightful subjects, some who just so happen live on her farm.

Kathy's horses look like the kind of horse you would find on the TV shows I used to love to watch as a child like My Friend Flicka, Black Beauty and of course Mr. Ed. They weren't just a pet to their owners they were their friends. Kathy paints horses that look like they could be my best friend who would listen to my every thought and share adventures.

Sugar - a very pretty horse

I Want To Play - a beautiful buckskin horse

Kathy paints other farm animals with such sweet expressions that you just want to go out looking for a farm to buy.

Long Horn Cow and her calf - That's My Baby

Fiona the baby calf

The next two animals I would like to share with you are a dog and a cat. Boxers have become rather dear to me in the last few years. We have a sweet Boxer granddog named Toby. He always makes Gramma and Papa welcome to his home...and is so happy to welcome anyone who comes to visit. And this cat reminds me a little of my Rusty cat. I love cats!!

A Boxer called Diesel

Oranges Bajoranges

Kathy offers her original artwork along with very reasonably priced prints of her work in her Etsy shop, Tapestry 316. And now I leave you with a few words from Kathy's Etsy profile:

"My artwork has always been inspired by the beauty of God’s creation and by memories from my past. I remember being surrounded by family treasures as a child like the brass bell that has been rung by chubby little fingers since the 1920’s.

The present is filled with chubby fingers, too, since my daughter and son-in-law have two lovely girls and I am excitedly awaiting my third grandchild who will be adopted in the near future. Well, I hope it will be soon! Adoption sure takes a long time… and this is one impatient Grammy here – LOL!

The best part of the tapestry of my life; however, is the love that my Lord Jesus Christ has for me. Both the saving grace that He has shown me by His death on the cross and His constant presence in my life have proven over and over that He is indeed Who He says He is. "

blessings, ZudaGay

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day!

I missed my Feature Friday this week because my mind was occupied by something very special. Our 8th grandchild was born early Friday morning! Ezekiel Jesse made his way into the world joining three sisters and two brothers making everything even in his family and our grandchild count at 4 grandsons and 4 granddaughters. :) How cool is that? So it was a very happy Mother's Day for our family and we enjoyed getting to spend time with one another and Oooo and Awww over our newest addition. He is so sweet and and so beautiful! Newborns make such funny faces and thankfully don't mind getting laughed at too much.

Blessings, Zuda Gay