The random number generator did it's number thingy and came up with the number 6!! The sixth person to comment was Beth Peardon!!! WooHoo!!! Bethy!!! Beth is a wonderful photographer and sells her work in her Etsy shop Beth Peardon Prods. I am so honored to own one of her gorgeous prints and a couple of her delightful ACEOs. I will get the brooch in the mail to Bethy tomorrow. To go along with the flavor of this giveaway and for your viewing are a few of my favorite Bethy pictures. :)
Congratulations, Bethy!!
blessings, ZudaGay
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Featured Artists and A Giveaway
I have three wonderful Etsy shops that I would like for you to take a look at. Each one is different, but each of these artisans creates with love and passion and it shows so beautifully in each and every item.
The first shop is my friend Sharon's shop, Mana Moon. Sharon is a wonderful jewelry designer and I am so honored that she uses some of my beads in her amazing creations. No matter the type of beads Sharon chooses to use, her jewelry is beautifully made and always a work of art!! You may like to read Sharon's blog Mana Moon Studios. And check out her other online shop at Mana Moon You may also check out her graphic design shop for banners and avitars and all manner of lovely things to use in your online life at Mana Moon Studios on Etsy.
This next shop belongs to Kym whose shop is Kimbuktu. Kym creates beautiful quilts and quilted bags with her amazing color sense. Every single piece of fabric is just the perfect choice. I can sit and look through her shop over and over and my eyes are always delighted. If you would like to see more of Kym, you can check out her website and her second Etsy shop Paper Paraphernalia.
I would love to own a wire cross from Les & TC Cunningham of Totally Crosses. I think they would make a thoughtful wedding or anniversary gift!! There is just something so extra special about these crosses! You can just tell as you look at them , that love goes in to creating each loop of the wire. You can see more of TC's work at their website Totally
Now we are getting to the giveaway part!! I'm offering a giveaway of one of my newest style brooches. This brooch has a touch of lace decorated with leaves and of course a flower. All you have to do for a chance to receive this brooch is....visit the shops I have listed then tell me your favorite item from one of them by leaving a comment to this post.
Now we are getting to the giveaway part!! I'm offering a giveaway of one of my newest style brooches. This brooch has a touch of lace decorated with leaves and of course a flower. All you have to do for a chance to receive this brooch is....visit the shops I have listed then tell me your favorite item from one of them by leaving a comment to this post. sure to leave a way I can contact you if you win!!! I will pick a winner by random drawing at 8:00 pm CST on Tuesday, February 24th.