
Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Band of Brooches

For a change I am going to show just brooches instead of pendants. They are a bit different style than most of my pendants as they have a cabochon that I surrounded with a bezel....all polymer clay. I get in a cab mood every so often and make up a bunch of cabochons then they sit in baggies until I decide to make something with them. These represent a time that I was really experimenting with faux stones. In this batch we have a couple of faux ivory, a faux opal, turquois and um...a..... I have no idea what it is stone. Most of them still have the flowers and leaves that I just can't seem to stop making. I hope you enjoy this little change.


This brooch has a new home.

This brooch has a new home........

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Six Things....

I have been tagged by L at Luchi Creations to tell six things about myself and then tag six people. So, here goes.

1. My darling husband, Danny, and I will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary at the end of November.

2. I love animals! At one time we had sheep, goats, a calf, rabbits, dogs, cats, a ferret and a cockatiel. But right now we just have one very wild and crazy cat named Rusty.

3. I've read The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings trilogy through every few years for the last30 years or so.

4. I hate to follow directions and rarely make a recipe the way it is written. (I'm not sure what that says about me?)

5. I collect Noah's Ark things. I have way too many of them!

6. I am so glad this is only 6 and not eight again!!!!! Is that a fact, umm, probably not. We eat peanut butter and tomato sandwiches. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it until you have! Yummy!!!!! I also like peanut butter and banana sandwiches, peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches and I like to dip pretzel sticks in peanut butter. And of course the famous PB & J.

Now I am suppose to tag six people, so here goes..... I will go read their lists in a couple of days.

Green Circle Studio
Urban Knit
Microwave Girl
Fine Art By Renee
Tilly Types

blessings, ZudaGay

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Long Time Ago....

Well it seems like a long time ago, I started this blog with very good intentions of posting several times a week. I'm not sure where last week went. Our bathroom remodel is pretty much completed as of today. Hurray!!! It took about 3 weeks. I have a very itchy rash that has attacked my face and neck. I look so pretty! I am really bad at not scratching. I've always had that trouble and this lack of self-control hasn't improved with age. Well enough about my failures, faults and afflictions....I will share some pictures of things I have created in the past week, at least the ones I've gotten around to photographing.

blessings, ZudaGay

Sunday, September 9, 2007

All On A Sunday

First off....I get to do a very first on my blog. I was tagged by Lisa at Polka Dot Creations.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

Fact 1. Some years ago (I won't say how many) Danny and I competed in target archery and some 3-D shooting. I won the Illinois State Tournament a couple of years in my division and the Regional Tournament one year.

Fact 2. I love to read. I read all kinds of things. Right now I'm reading grandson T's Harry Potter books. I'm on the fourth one. T thinks Gramma is cool.

Fact 3. I love music. I have daydreams of being a piano bar singer leaning on the piano or heading a big band like Doris Day. I play my guitar and sing in the praise band at our church which isn't quite the same thing, but I get to use what musical talent I have.

Fact 4. I have been sewing since I was tall enough to stand and see the needle and step on the pedal. I would cut out doll clothes and wait until Mama got up from her machine and sew my seam while she pressed hers. Mama took in sewing for a while when I was growing up and was an amazing seamstress.

Fact 5. Daddy was a printer. We owned and ran the weekly newspaper in LaGrange, MO when I was small. He could spell every word there was....I can't spell worth a fig!

Fact 6. I am the baby of the family. I was a bit of a surprise. I still am!!

Fact 7. I love old movies and movie stars. Bing and Bob and Danny and Cary and Fred and........

Fact 8. My goodness, this is harder than I thought it would be! I love cats! I get to have one, his name is Rusty and he is the prettiest red tabby with a bullseye marking on his side. After he uses his litter box he runs out of it as fast as he can go to escape the smell. That is a random fact about Rusty, but it will have to do.

I don't think that I have many readers, yet, so I will just leave this open ended. Anyone who hasn't done this one yet, consider yourself tagged!

I had fun yesterday in my studio. I am stuck on making big flower pendants. I love them and I think they look so pretty hanging on a ribbon or cord. So, I will end this with a few pictures of big flower pendants.

Blessings, ZudaGay

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Little E Story

Little E is our 4 year old grandson. I've taken care of him while his mommy works during the school year since he was around 6 weeks old. E is a character! An adorable red haired, freckle faced, precious little boy. A little bit Opie-ish. I was emptying the dish drainer this morning and Little E came in to see what I was doing. I asked him to open the drawers as I put in the utensils and then the top drawer to put away the silverware.

As I was placing the spoons and forks in the correct slots he was digging through the odd pieces that reside in the front part of the drawer. He lifted out a baby fork and wanted to know if he could play with it. I told him he sure could, so he took off for the toy cars he had left on the living room floor. I finished what I was doing and sat down at my desk to work a bit at the computer while E was occupied playing. After a little while Little E said, "Gramma, Look! It's a forklift!" He was lifting one of his toy cars up on his fork. I don't believe E thought it was as funny as Gramma.........

A picture of our little guy deep in play mode:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wonderful Wednesday!

This week is half over and it just got started. Monday holidays always seem to throw my internal calendar off. I can't believe how well my sunflowers are being received. It seems like I put one up and it quickly sells. It is a good thing that I am having so much fun making them. I am also enjoying using vintage buttons in my work. I think they go very well with polymer clay. I like how the different materials contrast with the clay especially metal and leather.



We are having a lovely day in Illinois. It is in the mid 80's.....but I'm holding out for 70 degrees or so. I love the cooler temps of fall. It won't be long I'm sure.
blessings, ZudaGay

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Studio Time

Life has been a bit busy and....ummmm.....messy this week. Our one and only little bathroom is being remodeled from studs out. That means they ripped out all the old plaster and lath. Today we have use of the shower and the toilet and have hot water. We've been borrowing Jessica and Todd's shower and using the toilet at the church, which is a block away, when ours was out of commission. I also used the one at church when there were men in the basement and there were holes in the bathroom a 2' hole!!!! Not tinkling with men down below!!!!! Needless to say I needed some time of quiet and creativity!

I spent quite a bit of time in my studio today. It was very nice and I enjoyed the time so much and I love the results!!!!! One pendant I listed in my Etsy shop this evening, but I'm going to show all of them here. Lord willing, I am going to work in my studio most of Monday.

I don't think that I will post tomorrow as it will be a busy day. We have our time of worship and then a family picnic. Just what Sundays are suppose to be full of - worshiping our God and spending time with our loved ones......what a joy!!!!
blessings, ZudaGay