
Friday, August 31, 2007

The End Of August

I was telling our little E that today is the last day of August and tomorrow is the first day of September. I don't think he quite got what I was telling him so I went on to tell him that fall was coming when the leaves turn colors and fall from the trees. He remembers jumping in piles of leaves and seemed excited about that prospect. His favorite thing to do right now is for us to go to the Methodist Church's paved parking lot, in the next block, so he can ride his Big Wheel. The lot has a half circle sidewalk attached to it with a bit of a hill. He rides his trike up the little hill and then pauses then takes off as fast as he can down the hill and skids on the pea gravel in the alley that runs along the side of the paved lot. I don't know about Papa, but it scares Gramma just a little bit!

Jessica, the girls and baby A came over after everyone was home from school. Little M wanted to play with little E and they got into a couple of fights. Maybe that is the way 4 and 5 year olds play. But I got to sit and hold our sweet baby A, so all was well with me.

For my show and tell today I am showing a bright and happy flower pendant that I haven't listed yet. I like it, but I'm not thrilled with it so if anyone who happens to be reading this would take a second and tell me what you think about it, I would appreciate it!
blessings, ZudaGay

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Little Art Nouveau

What a lovely day it has been in west central Illinois!!! I can handle 70 degree temps for a while.

Today I listed this Art Nouveau pendant. It is really different from the direction I've been in here lately with flowers and leaves. I'm not stopping flowers, but this is fun once in a while. I've done this style before in years past and the clean lines and simplicity always feels peaceful to me. The only problem with this type of piece is it takes three bakings. I can do a Flower Garden pendant in one.

I've included a back view of this piece just to show my signature cane. It is a Z and a G together. I had someone ask me one day what it was, so now you know.

blessings, ZudaGay

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What Happened to Tuesday?

I have no idea where Tuesday went. All of a sudden I'm living in Wednesday. Strange how that happens!

I loved the Sunflower Pendant I listed on Monday in my Etsy shop. I guess that others did too, it ended up in two Treasuries and was sold! How cool is that? This morning I listed another leaf. A maple leaf this time. I did something a bit different, I carved the veins out with a gouge....and I didn't cut myself!!! I can be a danger to myself with sharp tools. Then I used Genesis Metallic Heat Set Oil Paint in the veins and edges. It is such a cool paint because I can use my heat gun and have instant gratification.

Our little E started Head Start on Monday. He gets to ride a little school bus to school and then he gets to ride home with his mommy who teaches the other Head Start class. So far he is excited to get on the bus. I sure hope he continues this way. I'd hate to have to make him go if he didn't want to go. I was a terrible soft touch with our girls. I imagine that they stayed home "sick" more than they actually needed to......but I liked having them home.

Well, I will end with a picture of my Maple leaf for a little taste of fall.
Blessings, ZudaGay

Monday, August 27, 2007

Yep, It's Monday!!!

Today was the beginning of a couple of things. Our grandson E begins his school today. The bus is suppose to show up at 11:49 am to pick him up. We will see what time it gets here. I wonder why they didn't just put 11:50? Today a crew is here demolishing our bathroom. First they are tearing down the chimney and running the water heater flue out a different way. We may or may not have use of a bathroom in the house throughout the week. Or at least they are saying a week. I hope they aren't being optimistic!!! We have offers of a couple of different showers to use if needed...which I'm sure they will be needed!
I will leave you with a happy picture. I've been seeing sunflowers all over and they just look like autumn to me. I just had to try my hand at making one. I love how it turned out!!!! Here is my sunflower.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Can't Leave Out Granddaughters!

First of all, I am so sorry for the quality of the pictures! I take terrible pictures without a tripod and I didn't bring my tripod to the hospital when baby A was born. And, these are the most recent pictures I have of the girls. They are each holding their baby brother. First up is big sister A who just turned 14!!!

Next in line is middle big sister B who will be 10 very soon.

And last but definitely not least is little big sister M who is 5 and just started Kindergarten and loves her teacher!!!

At this time we have three girls and three boys, but that will change in January when Little E's sibling will be born. We don't know if it is a boy or girls but we do know it will be a tie-breaker! We are so abundantly blessed!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Speaking Of Treasuries...

I got lucky Friday evening and got a Treasury slot!!! This is so exciting when it happens. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I'm not alone in this affliction. I don't know why it is so fulfilling to pick out pictures and put them together. But it is just as cool to create a Treasury as it is to be chosen to be in one. So, without further ado.....I bring for your viewing pleasure......The Talented Color Mixers of Polymer Clay. (if you click on the picture it will enlarge)

Friday, August 24, 2007

What is Better Than One Treasury?

Two Treasurys!!! Etsy has a cool thing called Treasury where Etsyians pick their favorite things from other's Etsy shops and put them together in a grouping. Some make their selections by color, some with a theme and some just things they like. I haven't been in a Treasury for several weeks and all of a sudden, I'm in two of them! How cool it that?! The first one is full of things that are the color of celery or mint and it is unbelievably beautiful!!! It was selected by TwoLeftHands, and she has a great eye!! Thanks TwoLeftHands!!

The next one is a few of Jens Jewellry's favorite things. There are some very cool things in her Treasury! Thank you so much Jen!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Black Day

I get out a color scheme and I get stuck in it for a little while. I try not to do this, but it seems like the color scheme needs to get out of my head before I can go on to the next thing. So I have black to share today. I like black, I like to wear black and it seems I like to create with black. So, for your viewing pleasure.........a study in black, with some pearly white, grey, silver and oh my, what is

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Our third grandson was born last Thursday. T is 12, E is 4 and A is a newborn. I am learning so much about life viewing it through the eyes of boys. Boys are so much fun and take a lot of patience! I've learned that you need to stop and watch bugs and tractors and that backhoes are the most interesting things. T is lending me his Harry Potter books to read. I'm on the third one and I'm enjoying them a lot. I'll share a couple of pictures. The first is T holding A right after he was born. It isn't very good because I can not take a good picture without a tripod. I move way too much!!!

This is our sweet baby A.

And this is E whom I've provided daycare for since he was tiny. He is holding our cat Rusty.

Very cute aren't they?!
blessings, ZudaGay

Monday, August 20, 2007

The First One

Another new experience to try. I've heard that if you want to age well you must always strive to grow and experience and learn. I am in the learning to blog process.

I work with polymer clay and one of my new experiences is creating an Etsy shop. What fun!
Here is the newest item in my shop.

blessings, ZudaGay